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performances / works / 2005

where work ends and mission begins, 2005 – 08


where works ends and mission begins , with Heidi Mühlschlegel, video interviews and performance documentations in a counter-staging of the current illusion machine, Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart 2005 + Plattform Berlin 2005 + Les Complices Zürich 2005 + ZKM Karlsruhe 2008

Video interviews and performance documentations in an installative counter design for the current illusion machine – as an interim result of a project series created since the beginning of 2001 in Berlin, Stuttgart, Istanbul and Bombay. These projects are experiments and attempts by means of artistic interventions to open up the concept of work to new spaces – for a perhaps seemingly impossible discussion at first.


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                                  videostills, raus aus der arbeit, rein mit der realität, video 23 min, 2004

in collaboration with Heidi Mühlschlegel and Katja Melches